Back in Mexico City and blogging all stations of line 12 of the system.  Estimated to be completed in March 2014.  Thanks for stopping by.


I completed the Mexico City Metro Project in July 2012 although since then a new line (12) has opened.  However I am not in Mexico City anymore so the exploration of that line will have to wait.  I hope to get back to it sometime.  In the meantime I am blogging at

Hopefully you might stop by there as well…

Hey!  Thanks for stopping by the page and showing interest in the Mexico City Metro Project.  My name is Peter W Davies.  I am a 31 year old Australian currently living and working in Mexico City.

Living in the Mexico City megalopolitan madness is another part of the puzzle of what has been an extensive journey through the Americas. 20 countries in the Americas over the past two and a bit years!

I’ve had a couple of other stops along the way.  I kept a daily photo blog (not so conscientiously) whilst living in the beautiful port city of Valparaiso for a few months in 2010.  If you are interested you can check it out here.

Then last year I spent a few months working on a volunteer education project, La Esperanza, outside the old colonial city of Granada in Nicaragua.

Outside that it has been a lot of time on the road living itinerantly.  I’ve written about some of those travel experiences on the Matador Network site.  You can see the entries here.

For now it’s onwards with the project.  It’s a time consuming endeavour but I am enjoying pretty much every minute of it and getting a more thorough insight into this incredible and incredibly vibrant city.  I think so anyway.

I hope you are enjoying coming along for the ride or if you are newly aboard I hope you’re not getting off any time soon.

If you’d like to contact me directly please write to:



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog — I’m so glad you left a comment, so I could discover your awesome project! Hope all is well – what are you working on now? -Jen

  2. Hola Peter, me encantó tu trabajo, muchos lugares que no conozco aunque vivo en esta Ciudad, además de que me gustó saber de tu perspectiva de la Ciudad de México como extranjero. Saludos.

  3. And thanks for following. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey. I’m going to bookmark this site and check back in now and then for a Mexico City fix. Off now to look at your latinamericafocus blog.

    1. Hi Alison and Don, thank you for your comments! I found your blog back quite a while now. Very impressed with your writing and photos. Best wishes for great journeys to come — regards

  4. Hi MCM, what a fabulous project – way to get to know the city! We only spent a week there, but we loved Mexico City.
    I know it’s been ages (we’ve been without internet for a while) but thanks for the ‘like’ on the post about Bolivia. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I see you’ve spent some time there yourself.
    Cheers, Alison

  5. Pete ! Great to see schoolfriends from Taree travelling so far afield! Great blog, reminds me of a brief 6 week stint in Mexico, can still remember the best little taco stand just near the Zocollo

    Puebla and Oaxaca were also fantastic

    So what work were you doing in Mexico city ?

  6. I just wanted to say, thanks for taking México city as your city project, is amazing how someone is so interested ¡saludos!

  7. Hi Peter – I was surprised but pleased to see that someone had been to my Expatted Blog, literally only a few hours old! I love love love your Project, and gave a shout-out/link to it on my ‘Metro’ post today. I will be coming back to your Project many times I am sure! best,

  8. Hey Peter, thanks for checking out my blog. Your project sounds awesome! The Mexico City metro is certainly a thing of wonder. So efficient, so colorful and so cheap! My boyfriend and I will be living in DF from April to June. We’d love to grab a beer & hear about your adventures so far!

    1. Thanks Rachael! It was a great experience. I miss DF a lot now. Hope to get back there sometime soon! Line 12 is in full operation now so I’ve got some more work to do too. Looking forward to following your blog.

  9. Tal vez y no te recuerdes, pero enviamos esta nota desde chile. compañero, nos conocimos en el DF, lugar donde tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar y tomar una que otra cerveza en las dependencias del Señorial (camila y rodrigo)… nos dejaste la información de tu blog, la cual luego de un rato perdimos y no supimos como encontrar tu hermoso proyecto, más el empeño pudo mas y dimos contigo y con este extenso y bien logrado expediente.
    esperamos y te encuentres bien..

    FELICITACIONES!…por tu gran trabajo.

    C a m i l a & R o d r i g o
    Stgo. – Chile

  10. Hi Peter! I am intrigued by the subject matter of your blog and will read more. What a fascinating subject.Thanks for the acknowledgement of my blog posting. I have been doing blogs ever since I published my last book “Trust the Winds” a poetry anthology and my second book actually. I have been in the Yucatan with my partner for 8 years now and enjoy this country so much. We have visited 25 of the 32 states and in October as you saw, we head to DF (our third time), followed by a Day of the Dead sidetrip to Janitzio in Morelia. Keep following if you like and you can see what we are up to… We will lead a second trip to DF in March with another group of 14 Canadian friends…. Good luck with all of your endeavours!

    1. Hi Reg, I often check out the wordpress blogs that are tagged with Mexico City and I came across yours. Sound like great trips!! 25 of 32 states, wow!! Which ones are you missing? Best regards, Peter

  11. Thanks for stopping by our blog – I’m very glad it’s led me to yours. I love the idea of this project (in fact, was thinking of something similar with the minibuses in La Paz) and am impressed with your commitment now you’ve completed it, as well as your descriptions and pictures. Awesome work!

    1. Hey! I really enjoyed your blog, great photos and stories. I saw a link to it and then the next thing I saw it had been freshly pressed! La Paz is perhaps my favourite city in South America, incredible place. Look forward to following your blog! cheers – all the best!

  12. Hi! ¡Tengo que decir que tu proyecto es total, completa y absolutamente genial! Es impresionante como recorriste todas esas estaciones. He comenzado a revisar cada una de tus entradas, y creo que me llevará un largo rato navegar a través de todas esas imágenes que tan bien describen a la Ciudad de México. Un aplauso. Saludos y que estés bien.

  13. Congratulations on completing the project! I have ridden the metro for the last 7 years and have always wanted to do precisely that which you so admirably accomplished. Felicidades!

  14. Hello! Thanks for liking my photo post “The Angel of my City”, and for following my blog “Exploring the world: photography, travel, art”. I think is great that you are traveling while working on the countries you are visiting. I`m going to take a look at your site.
    Kind greetings,

  15. Peter,
    You have shown so much commitment for the MCM Project. I have been following since you start and I must confess I thought you wouldn’t finish it. So you are making your readers proud. I admire your work because you have seen all the colorful sides of D.F. and you have been able to captured them with grace, art and love…this city is a mix of everything don’t you think? so unexpected…but I am surprised (and i worship your work even more) you haven’t trashed, criticized or compared my beautiful country with yours or any other…you haven’t given your “they should do this better”…so you have all my respect. Disfruto la manera en la que escribes y de alguna manera siempre es bastante “witty”… 10 more to go!

    1. Thanks for your support. I am very glad to hear that you are enjoying the project. It has been a big endeavour but well worth it. Sometimes I didn’t think I would ever finish it myself! There is certainly a great deal of diversity in the city and I am certainly not in the business of being critical about things – nothing’s better or worse than anywhere else – just different! hope you enjoy the last station!

  16. Hi.Teacher Peter, casi a punto de llegar a la recta final de este Próyecto MCM. México City., el cual ha sido muy interesante viajar a través d ti, relatar vivencias, escuchar historias, captar la fotografía precisa para llevarnos a ese lugar con sólo abrir tu block, la tenacidad, amor por descubrir a este México que te ha visto recorrer sus calles día a día y como compañero, el ardiente sol.,encontrar el personaje idonéo para darle sentido a éste próyecto.

    Al final sé que te llevarás a México en la piel.

  17. Hi teacher Peter! I’m brandon for CAG. Your page is so interesting. I haven’t seeing everything, but I will do it. I wish you be great everywhere you’ve been, you are a good person, a good teacher I will miss you when you get out from Mexico. Save yourself.

  18. Peter, thanks for following my blog! I was in Mexico City in March for my second visit to the Day-Ef-aay. I wish I had some more time to photograph some of the metro stations, but I was staying in Tlalpan (just out from the Metro), and I also wanted to make sure to see more of the Chapultepec area. I’m a big fan of urban transit, so I look forward to reading your blog. Take care and saludos!

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